Explore Burnout Coaching & Prevention
What is Burnout?
Burnout is a pervasive and complex issue within our population. In recent years, essential workers have been particularly hard hit. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, irritability, lack of motivation, depersonalization, and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment. It arises from the strain of overwhelming workloads, administrative burdens, and a lack of autonomy. In its most severe forms, burnout can lead people to career abandonment, social isolation, and even a sense of hopelessness and depression.
Health care providers and other essential workers experiencing burnout often feel disconnected from those they serve and experience a loss of professional purpose. This not only affects their well-being but can also compromise the quality of their work. Addressing burnout those struggling requires comprehensive strategies that focus on reducing systemic pressures, promoting work-life balance, and providing support to help the professionals navigate the demands of their paticular profession while maintaining their own well-being.
What Can Burnout Coaching & Prevention Provide?
Burnout coaching and prevention offers a tailored and proactive approach to managing and mitigating the challenges of burnout.
Through personalized guidance informed by his decades of practicing medicine, Keith helps healthcare providers identify specific stressors, boundaries, and triggers. He equips them with strategies to build resilience, improve work-life balance, and enhance emotional well-being. Coaching sessions provide a space for self-reflection, skill-building, and goal-setting, allowing healthcare professionals to develop effective coping mechanisms and communication skills. By integrating a holistic framework, engaging in practices of self-regulation, and individualized action plans, burnout prevention coaching empowers individuals to navigate the pressures of their profession while fostering sustainable mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Keith has experience with burnout among a variety of professionals including nurses, physicians, surgeons, and psychologists he also has extensive interdisciplinary experience with burnout working with teachers, attorneys, service workers, and law enforcement officers. In 2000 he began to focus on burnout to the healthcare industry by presenting a series on physical health and wellbeing for the AMA.
Helping with burnout is all about identifying limits and boundaries and then seeing what aspects of the system can be changed in support of that. What areas can be fixed and what elements are present that can be tweaked so that the combinations of stressors are not exponentially out of control, but more balanced. This is how Keith approaches burnout with each individual. Although it takes work, there is very little in life that does not require showing up. If you are struggling with elements of burnout, despite seeing your psychotherapist, psychiatrist, primary care physician, or other healthcare practitioner consider focusing on skill building and identifying areas where that could be helpful for you by engaging in coaching work around burnout with Keith.
Begin Your Burnout Prevention Journey…
Healthcare Professionals
Teachers and Educators
Law Enforcement Officers
Other High-Stress Positions